Mr. Zia Khan visit to Hyderabad with his team to select the Uni./ Institute for their training, for details:
Prime event of HiSHA on March 04th , 2017 at Verge Systems, Hyderabad.
Zia Khan & his team provided us great opportunity to inherit his valuable mentor-ship and entrepreneurship skills to build Hyderabad, He visited with his team 1. HiAST, 2. CIC Hub & 3. Gexton Education to select the institute for their training for 4th Industrial Revolution, later on they joined us in prime event of HiSHA at Verge Systems for further mentoring and networking, Thanks to Verge Systems, HiAST, Gexton& CIC Hub for hosting the event & visits

Recommendation & inputs for HiSHA in last meeting on 04thMar17 at Verge Systems, noting with the pen of Mr. Farhan – Aptech: 1. Danish – JumpStart, 2. Jibran – AlphaSoft, 3. Sumair – CIC Hub, 4. Imran – GemNet, 5. Awais – HoverTech, 6. Abdullah – Siddique I.T, 7. Amir – Gexton . Conclusion of meeting will be shared shortly! All recommendations and inputs are valuable for us so pls. work on all points at your end as inputs for further strategy in our next meetup, most probably 01-Apr-17!